In the Press: WIA Summit 2024, Denver
Women in Agribusiness student scholars chosen
Exceptional Women in Ag Recognized with WIA Demeter Award
Syngenta-led Women’s Leadership Workshop Tops Special Activities at WIA Summit
Animal Disease Crisis Prep, U.S. Ag Policy and More at WIA Summit
NASA Exec Named Keynote for 2024 Women in Agribusiness Summit
Deadline for Women in Agribusiness Demeter Award is June 14
Ag Scholarship Deadline May 31; Recipients Enjoy WIA Summit Experience
An Evening with Dr. Temple Grandin, Exclusive to WIA Members
Nominations now being accepted for WIA Demeter Award of Excellence
Ag Student Scholarships to WIA Summit Now Available; Corporate Sponsors Sought
2024 Premier Ag Conferences Announced
ESG, organic ag & the latest ag innovations all at Unconventional Ag conference
In the Press: WIA Summit 2023
Oilseed and grain conference highlights sustainable sourcing, new developments
Winners announced at WIA Summit for the $1.5M Radicle Inclusion Challenge Presented by Nutrien
Three exceptional women named as recipients of WIA Demeter Award of Excellence
What do chocolate, salad and $1.5 million have in common? They all will be given away at WIAS 2023
Deadlines loom for WIA Demeter Award of Excellence and Student Scholarships
The ABCs of ag at WIA Summit: AI, Bio-based solutions, co-ops and more!
For press releases before 2018, look to our archives.